How to treat Percocet addiction

Have you had enough and want to quit Percocet for good? Treatment for Percocet addiction includes behavioral and pharmaceutical interventions. More on how to treat Percocet addiction here.

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Are you ready to seek treatment for possible Percocet addiction?

If YES, read on.  Whether you have noticed signs of Percocet prescription drug abuse in yourself or a loved one, treatment is possible.  In fact, there are several ways to treat Percocet addiction. So to give you a better idea of what to expect, we outline the main behavioral and pharmaceutical treatments for Percocet addiction here. Then, we invite any questions you may have about Percocet treatment at the end.

Am I addicted to Percocet?

Percocet is the most commonly prescribed narcotic painkiller in the U.S.  Does Percocet work for everyone?  Not at all.  So how do you know if you are addicted to Percocet, or not? Below are some tell-tale signs and symptoms of Percocet addiction. If even one of these signs is present, you may have a problem with Percocet:

  • doing things you normally wouldn’t to get Percocet
  • feeling you increasingly need Percocet throughout the day in doses more than prescribed
  • finding yourself and others at risk because of drug use
  • needing Percocet to treat stress
  • obsessing with making sure you have a ready supply of Percocet
  • repeated failed attempts to quit taking Percocet
  • withdrawing from Percocet when you lower or stop taking Percocet

But treating addiction to Percocet is not a walk in the park. What happens when you stop taking Percocet?  You can go through intense withdrawal symptoms that make stopping Percocet for good very difficult.  So what needs to be present so that you can face Percocet addiction? Some ways you can know you’re ready to treat Percocet addiction include:

  1. Percocet is no longer worth the negative effects and consequences it is creating in your life.
  2. You and those around you have put up with the addiction long enough.
  3. You can no longer rationalize your Percocet addiction away.
  4. You simply do not want to be controlled by the addiction to Percocet any longer.
  5. Your body can no longer withstand the physical Percocet addiction.

Treating Percocet addiction

Matching people with the right type of treatment for drug addiction is important. And while there are many treatments out there, treating Percocet addiction is an ongoing process with multiple interventions that support recovery. For the most part, people agree that combining treatment modalities are the best way for treating Percocet addiction. The two predominant ways for treating Percocet addiction include behavioral treatments and medication/pharmaceutical interventions.

1. Medications for Percocet addiction treatment

Sometimes physicians will prescribes medications to help treat Percocet addiction or to help ease discomfort caused by Percocet withdrawal symptoms. Popular medications used for treating Percocet addiction include methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone and naloxone which act on opioid pain receptors in the brain. However, medications that do not act on opioid pain receptors such as anti-depressants can also be an effective treatment for Percocet addiction. Keep in mind that pharmacological treatments that act on opioid receptors do have the potential to subvert one addiction for another. So, you’ll need to be careful with medications that treat Percocet addiction.

2. Behavioral treatments for Percocet addiction

Behavioral treatments for treating Percocet addiction include talk therapy, support groups, and group treatment. Behavioral treatment can motivate you to stay on the path of recovery. Therapy can also be a continual means to deal with the issues that provoke addictive behavior long past a physical addiction has been addressed.

Help for Percocet addiction

Below are several treatments you can use to treat Percocet addiction. Please let us know what has worked for you by replying in the comments section below.

Percocet addiction treatment centers

There are centers around the country that bring together medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and addiction specialists to treat Percocet addiction using a combination of pharmaceutical and behavioral therapies. They offer an isolated environment away from the stress of life so you can focus on yourself with a holistic approach to your physical and mental wellbeing. Some are set up to specifically treat opiate and prescription drug addiction such as Percocet Addiction. Addiction treatment centers are usually in contact with detox centers or have a detox center as part of their services.

Percocet detox clinic

Percocet detox clinics are inpatient clinics which monitor Percocet withdrawal and treat symptoms in a way that reduces chances of a quick relapse. The main goal of a detox clinic is to re-establish normal brain functions without the presence of opiates. Detox clinics are a common first stop for people rehabilitating from Percocet addiction but may not be necessary in your particular case. Sometimes a hospital provides “rapid opiate detox” during which you are put under general anasthetic and monitored by doctors as they administer medications through an IV that “clean out” your opiate receptors.

Clinical psychiatrist or psychologist specializing in addiction treatment

There is a network of psychologists and physiatrists out there that specialize in addiction. Talk therapy has been proven to be a powerful help in maintaining your ability to stay away from Percocet. Clinical psychologists can help you deal with any underlying mental conditions that provoke addictive thoughts and behaviors. Psychiatrists can diagnose possible co-occuring mental disorders that contribute to addiction and provide you with the necessary medications to treat these conditions.

Percocet addiction support groups

Abuse of Percocet is on the rise and with it an increasing need for support. While it may be hard to find a substance-specific support group there are a wealth of them out there. Naroctics Anonymous, Rational Recovery, and SMART Recovery are good places to start, as are local support groups hosted in medical institutions. They are there to give you the communal support to stay Percocet free. You can always fall back on them during periods when your recovery is being threatened. If you are having a hard time finding a group call the helpline. It is a good place to start if you are feeling overwhelmed in your search.

Licensed clinical social workers

Licensed clinical social workers (LCSW) are trained in psychotherapy and many work specifically with cases of substance abuse. Social workers help people with a variety of mental illness and psychological upsets that contribute and caused by Percocet addiction. They help people reintegrate you into society and teach tools and coping mechanisms that can aid in maintaining recovery.

Your physician

Be sure to also talk to your family doctor or general practitioner to learn more about help for Percocet. They can help you search for treatment. They can also help you manage your physical withdrawal symptoms. Your family doctor understands your medical history and can help you figure out what option would work best for you.

A trusted religious or spiritual leader

Talking to a trusted religious or spiritual leader is another way to find connection to community. These individuals can guide and counsel and are always there if you need a helping hand. Religious/spiritual communities may provide counsels and group therapies of their own and provide long lasting communal support.

How to treat Percocet addiction questions

Do you still have questions about treating Percocet addiction? Please share your questions and experiences with treating Percocet addiction. We’ll try to respond to your questions personally.

Reference Sources: U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics: Social Worker
NIDA: Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment
SAMHSA Recovery Newsletter Volume 17, Number 5
SAMHSA: An Introduction to Mutual Support Groups for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
State of Oklahoma: Can you spot an addict?
About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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