How is Valium abused?

Valium is abused anytime you take Ambien other than prescribed. Also, Valium abuse occurs when people chew, crush, or snort Valium. More on Valium abuse and its treatment gere.

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Valium (diazepam) abuse affects not only physical health, but also impacts your daily life.  So whether you are ready to treat Valium addiction or are simply interested in the signs of a problem, you’ve found the right place.  Here, we review how Valium is abused and the signs to look out for. If you still have questions about Valium , we invite any inquiries at the end of this article.

Can Valium be abused?

Yes, you can abuse Valium.

Not only can you abuse Valium, but it’s a popular drug of abuse. People like the effects of Valium and use it other than prescribed. When you are on Valium, it’s as if there is no care in the world. In fact, Valium can trigger euphoric effects, so people will get creative in ways to take Valium to increase its effectiveness on the body. Additionally, taking Valium to self-medicate or to treat anxiety is a form of abuse that is common.

However, Valium is a strong benzodiazepine that not only regulates moods such as depression and anxiety but also can be addictive and habit forming. Valium use can develop into dependency, which affects your body’s need for diazepam to operate normally. Why does this happen? As your body regulates to the presence of Valium, you begin to crave it when it’s no longer in the system.

How Valium is abused

Abuse of Valium can come in many forms. Sometimes, people start out using Valium as directed but continue to take more than directed for effect. Some may shop around for doctors who will prescribe the medication.  However, Valium abuse is defined as using diazepam in any way other than directed for means that exist outside prescription protocol.

Labels on Valium dispensers warn that you should never, chew, crush, or snort Valium. Valium smoking is also a sign of abuse.  These routes of administration can lead to adverse effects. Likewise, you should not mix Valium with other substances.  For example,  Valium and alcohol effects intensity the depressant effects of each other and can lead to major problems with central nervous system depression.

Valium abuse side effects

Valium abuse increases the potential of adverse side effects. Some Valium abuse side effect are mild and some have the potential to be serious, or even fatal. Not only will you have to deal with the direct effects of your physical body but psychological aspects of Valium withdrawal and the reactions caused by benzodiazepine are also possible. Further, Valium abuse can strain your relationships, affect your work and finance, and could also impact you in a criminal aspect. In fact, Valium abuse may drive you to seek out illegal means of acquiring the drug.

Potential side effects of Valium abuse include:

  • aggression
  • agitation
  • alterations in moods
  • coma
  • death
  • depression
  • hallucinations
  • memory loss
  • nausea
  • overdose
  • seizures
  • vomiting

Signs of Valium abuse

Valium abuse can impact your daily life. The following behaviors are clear signs that you or someone you know may be abusing Valium.

  1. Buying Valium online
  2. Chewing or snorting Valium
  3. Continual driving impairment
  4. Erratic and unexplained mood change
  5. Impaired judgment
  6. Needing to refill Valium prescription
  7. Seeing many doctors to get Valium
  8. Self-medication of anxiety

Any of these signs may point to someone abusing Valium. Valium is a big deal because continual abuse opens up you to risks of overdose and extensive damage to your body. Valium abuse may also be the beginning of an addiction that can lead to further complications and discomfort once you need to or have to stop taking Valium. Nevertheless, if you want to stop taking Valium you need to do so carefully. It is never recommend that you stop taking Valium cold turkey. Instead, slowly tapering your doses of diazepam under medical supervision is advised.

Valium abuse questions?

Still have questions about Valium abuse? Please leave us your questions or comments below. We will do our best to respond to you personally and promptly.

Reference Sources: NYC: Is you Child abusing Prescriptions Drugs 
NCBI: Diazepam, alcohol, and barbiturate abuse 
NCBI: Benzodiazepines: Are We Overprescribing?
About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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