OxyContin effects

What changes occur in your body and brain as you take OxyContin for pain management? Find a break-down of the medication’s effects on body organs, effects on behavior, and fertility and pregnancy implications, here.

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OxyContin is mainly used for pain

OxyContin is an extremely potent painkiller classified as a Schedule II Controlled Substance. This means thatthe main ingredient found in OxyContin – oxycodone – has a high potential for abuse; it can be extremely habit forming. The drug is medically to provide pain relief to patients who suffer from moderate to severe pain when all other medications seem to fail. But what can happen in/to the body when you take OxyContin?

Does OxyContin have any unwanted effects you should be aware of? Could prolonged use be potentially risky for some patients? The answer to both these question is, “Yes.”

While OxyContin is an effective drug when it comes to treating pain on the long run, it may produce unwanted adverse effects in the brain and body of people who use it. In this article, we review what this medication can do after weekly, monthly, or even yearly use. We look at specific organs in the body and how OxyContin can negatively impact these organs. Finally, we invite your questions and comments at the end. NOTE HERE: We try to respond to all legitimate questions with a personal and prompt reply.

OxyContin effects on the body

OxyContin can affect the body in a variety of ways. While its primary use is pain relief, it is also often abused for euphoric effect. However, the drug can also have some quite uncomfortable side effects. The most common side effects of OxyContin use include:

  • dizziness
  • constipation
  • headache
  • insomnia
  • nausea
  • vomiting

Long-term oxycodone users can develop a tolerance and become immune to its effects. Tolerance to OxyContin may be an issue for those who seek pain relief as they would need ever increasing doses of OxyContin to be able to get the same effects as in the beginning of therapy.

OxyContin effects on the brain

OxyContin is active in the brain.

How does Oxycontin work? OxyContin (oxycodone) is an opioid agonist and works acts by attaching to opioid receptors in the brain, the spinal cord, and the gastrointestinal tract. In doing so, it blocks the transmission of pain messages to the brain. It also directly acts on the brain stem’s respiratory and cough centers, which can induce respiratory depression and coughing.

OxyContin effects on nervous system

There are a number of nervous system disorders that could occur due to OxyContin use. Commonly diagnosed disorders of the nervous system that can be affected by prescription use of oxycodone include:

  • amnesia
  • gait
  • hyperkinesia (hyperactivity and inability to concentrate)
  • hypertonia (abnormal increase in muscle tension)
  • hypesthesia (a diminished capacity for physical sensation)
  • migraine
  • paresthesia (tingling or pricking sensation aka “pins and needles”)
  • seizures
  • speech disorder
  • stupor
  • syncope
  • taste perversion
  • tremor
  • vertigo

OxyContin effects on dopamine

Like other opioids, OxyContin increases activity in the brain reward pathway. In fact, OxyContin increases dopamine levels more effectively and for a longer period of time compared to natural rewards. This is why the drug is known to have a high abuse potential.

OxyContin effects on the heart

When a person takes more than the medically recommended dose, it is possible to overdose (OD) on OxyContin. Possible unwanted outcomes of OD include endocarditis and valvular heart injury.

Another way OxyContin affects the heart is during withdrawal: it increase the heart rate. Tapering doses is always preferred to abrupt stopping, as the latter could increase the risk of a heart attack.

OxyContin effects on the liver

Liver problems may worsen with the presence of OxyContin. The medication may even damage the organ which is why any liver-related problems should be carefully considered when starting an OxyContin therapy.

OxyContin effects on the lungs

OxyContin is not recommended for people suffering from asthma or any lung-related problems. The drug can cause shortness of breath and seriously depress breathing, which could lead to a life-threatening situation.

OxyContin effects on personality and behavior

People who become addicted to oxycodone share common patterns of behavior, which are primarily characterized by uncontrollable use of OxyContin (despite knowledge of possible harm). Changes in normal behavior commonly observed during OxyContin addiction include:

  • anxiety
  • becoming distant and secretive
  • confusion
  • depression
  • disorientation
  • experiencing mood swings
  • loss of interest in activities and people that used to matter

OxyContin effects on blood pressure

As is the case with other opioids, OxyContin can lower blood pressure and provoke a condition known as “hypotension”. This is why a slightly higher dose could be extremely dangerous for people whose ability to maintain normal blood pressure has already been compromised.

Increased blood pressure, on the other hand, may occur if OxyContin is abruptly stopped. This is a common withdrawal symptom and another potential risk of complications during detox.

NOTE HERE: Experts recommend that you seek medical help any time you want to detox from OxyContin. Medical detox and 24-7 supervision can address these kinds of risky situations as they occur.

OxyContin effects on the skin

Some of the common adverse effects of OxyContin use include dry skin and itching, exfoliative dermatitis, and urticaria. These symptoms may decrease with continued use. Cold and clammy skin, on the other hand, could be signs of overdose on OxyContin.

OxyContin effects on sperm

Studies suggest that reduced sperm motility is a common pathology seen in opiate drug addicts, which is possibly a result of the opioid system’s involvement in the control of sperm movement. As a result, long term OxyContin users could experience reduced sperm motility.

OxyContin effects on pregnancy

OxyContin may not be the right drug for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant; there is a potential risk of provoking complications and harming the baby. The very fact that there are no adequate studies of OxyContin prescriptions during pregnancy suggests that the drug should be avoided unless the potential benefit of its use during pregnancy significantly outweighs potential risks.

OxyContin effects on fetus

According to studies, regular use of OxyContin could harm the fetus, and a baby may showcase symptoms of withdrawal upon birth. Withdrawal effects seen in babies include:

  • irritability
  • excessive crying
  • shaking
  • fast breathing
  • diarrhea
  • sneezing
  • vomiting
  • fever
  • …and even breathing problems

OxyContin effects on breast milk

OxyContin is not recommended for lactating mothers – traces of oxycodone are very likely to be found in breast milk. This could affect the nursing baby by causing drowsiness and difficulty breathing.

OxyContin effects on menstrual cycles

Case reports describe irregularities of the menstrual cycle shortly after starting OxyContin therapy. This possible side effect could provoke fertility issues.

OxyContin effects on the nose, ears, and throat

Intranasal discomfort and stuffiness are possible side effects of OxyContin use. Additionally, a swollen throat could occur as a result of allergic reaction, which requires urgent medical assistance.

OxyContin effects on eyes and pupils

Sunken eyes and constricted pupils are common sign of OxyContin withdrawal, while red eyes could manifest as histamine release.

OxyContin effects questions

Do you stil have questions about the effects of OxyContin? Please, let us know in the comment section below and we will try to provide you with a personal and prompt response.

Reference sources: FDA: Medication Guide OXYCONTIN®
FDA: Oxycontin: Balancing Risks and Benefits
NCBI: The toxic effect of opioid analgesics on human sperm motility in vitro
NCBI: Pharmacokinetics, tolerability, and safety of intranasal administration of reformulated OxyContin(®) tablets compared with original OxyContin (®) tablets in healthy adults
NIDA: Impacts of Drugs on Neurotransmission
NLM: OXYCONTIN – oxycodone hydrochloride tablet
U.S. Department of Justice: What is OxyContin?
U.S. Department of Justice: OXYCONTIN – oxycodone hydrochloride tablet
About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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